Veronica iovan, a classically trained soprano renowned for her powerful voice and captivating presence, is making her mark in the pop-opera music scene. Her journey began in Romania, where she gained national recognition at age 6 by winning the Little Prince Festival and performing alongside her mother. At 15, she became the youngest soloist at the Oltenia Philharmonic, launching an illustrious career.
Veronica, a full scholarship recipient at the National University of Music in Bucharest, earned a Master's in Modern Opera and refined her artistry through advanced training in Verona and Strasbourg. Her career boasts a rich tapestry of performances across the globe, gracing stages in France, Italy, Norway, Iran, Greece, and the United States. Notable highlights include appearances at the United Nations and the Romanian Day Celebration on Broadway.
She has collaborated with distinguished ensembles such as the Oltenia Philharmonic, Maestro Tramm and the New Jersey State Opera, the Queens Symphony Orchestra, and the MidAtlantic Opera. Her talent has illuminated prestigious events like Couture Fashion Week in New York, Angels of Humanity in Miami, and performances at iconic venues including The Breakers, the Vatican Church ogranization in New York, Biltmore Miami, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Verona Stadium, the Golden Gloves boxing ring, and the Billionaire Club.
Beyond her artistry, Veronica is a passionate philanthropist, preparing to launch a nonprofit for music therapy. Blending classical opera with pop influences, her unique sound and love for fashion inspire audiences worldwide.